Shadow People

“We are around you in the darkness.”
– The Shadow’s  warning to Aisling in “The Dream Crystal.”

The Shadow People
The race of beings that sometimes appear to mortals as a dark shadow out of the corner of the eye are known as Shadow People.  No one knows who they are or what they want, but they are often seen spreading mischief and trouble among those that see them. While some shadow people spread terror, others seem not to cause any kind of fear at all, simply being content to watch people.

These beings are most often seen out of the corner of the eye, as they prefer not to be noticed.  Many people report a feeling of being watched, or the shadow’s presence is felt nearby. Sometimes they are seen from the neck up only, and others have a pair of glowing red eyes.

The Hat Man
The Hat Man

The Hat Man
The one known as The Hat Man is thought to be their leader. This shadow is seen with various kinds of hats, and sometimes with glowing red eyes.  The Hat Man is usually accompanied by a sense of dread or terror. No one knows what this being wants. . . .

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